Zambia has come a long way in achieving a free media, but media channels need to readily available to ensure Zambian have this freedom.
Media freedom
State of the media report Q4 2020 now available
MISA Zambia is proud to announce the launch of its State of the Media report Q4 2020.
Planned minimum wage for journalists welcome-MISA Zambia
MISA Zambia has described the move by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to introduce a minimum wage for journalists as a step in the right direction. The poor conditions of service for most journalists in the country have been a matter that has required urgent attention.
Persistent acts of censorship worry MISA
In 2020 MISA Zambia recorded 17 severe cases of media freedom violations including media censorship which was the highest number of incidents and freedom of expression standing at 10 cases.
Media development policy launched
The media development policy is anchored on four main pillars namely: media freedom, media pluralism, media independence and safety of journalists, Zambia’s Minster of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya says.
Free media is crucial to development: MISA Zambia
MISA Zambia says that without a vibrant media, the public’s right to receive information on matters of public interest from a variety of sources cannot be fulfilled and the free and open debate that is indispensable to the development of public policy cannot take place.
Step up efforts to protect journalists, the truth
MISA Zambia says the number of incidents that have been recorded undermine journalists’ safety in Zambia and have an impact on their ability to report the truth.
Treat political players equally
MISA Zambia expects all media institutions to align their political programmes in line with the SADC the Gender Protocol Agreement which calls for 50/50 gender representation
Be ethical at all times -media told.
MISA Zambia says the media is trained to compile and publish information for public consumption.
Protect the media- MISA Zambia
MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale says the media just like any other citizen need to be protected and feel safe as they carry out their duties more so as we head to the polls.