Media freedom and development

MISA Zambia addresses various challenges affecting media freedom as an important principle of democracy. As such, we conduct research and advocacy on the level of media freedom and related policy or legal developments.

To achieve this, we employ different strategies such as public education, legal defense, compilation of alerts, training and other advocacy interventions. Further, MISA Zambia engages key stakeholders and decision makers, who may have influence on the process of enacting media reforms for the betterment of the media landscape.

As part of media development and support, we help to strengthen the role of the media in the governance process to facilitate citizen participation for increased accountability and participatory decision making.  We undertake technical capacity building activities, provision of grants to help with progamme production and development on specific topics in relation to governance and general welfare of rural communities. We also contribute to tertiary training  by linking various training institutions to update and standardise journalism curricula.

Media freedom news

MISA and MSCZ host crucial CSO engagement meeting

MISA and MSCZ host crucial CSO engagement meeting

The Media Self-Regulation Council of Zambia (MSCZ) through MISA Zambia held a consultative engagement meeting with various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Stakeholders and media practitioners at Mika Lodge, Jesmondine. The gathering aimed at fostering dialogue and...

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

MISA Regional 2023 Annual Report (Now Available!!!)

Expression in the Age of Fragmentation The world is more fragmented today than ever. Strife is more pronounced at a global scale, with conflicts degenerating to armed conflict. The number of people living in fragile states is perpetually on the increase, while more...

MISA Zambia pays courtesy calls on IBA and ZNBC

MISA Zambia pays courtesy calls on IBA and ZNBC

MISA Zambia, led by the Board Chairperson Lorraine Mwanza Chisanga, yesterday paid a courtesy visit to the newly appointed Director General of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), Mr. Guntila Muleya. During this meeting, Mrs. Chisanga briefed Mr. Muleya on...

MISA Zambia trains female journalists on Corruption Reporting

MISA Zambia trains female journalists on Corruption Reporting

MISA Zambia has conducted a two-day training session aimed at sensitizing female editors, journalists, and media trainers on gender issues. The workshop focused on increasing female participation in reporting on critical issues, particularly corruption, which remains...