Media freedom and development

MISA Zambia addresses various challenges affecting media freedom as an important principle of democracy. As such, we conduct research and advocacy on the level of media freedom and related policy or legal developments.

To achieve this, we employ different strategies such as public education, legal defense, compilation of alerts, training and other advocacy interventions. Further, MISA Zambia engages key stakeholders and decision makers, who may have influence on the process of enacting media reforms for the betterment of the media landscape.

As part of media development and support, we help to strengthen the role of the media in the governance process to facilitate citizen participation for increased accountability and participatory decision making.  We undertake technical capacity building activities, provision of grants to help with progamme production and development on specific topics in relation to governance and general welfare of rural communities. We also contribute to tertiary training  by linking various training institutions to update and standardise journalism curricula.

Media freedom news

The future of expression in the age of intersectionality 

The future of expression in the age of intersectionality 

By Jeremias Langa  The existential shockwaves of 2024 will undoubtedly shape developments in 2025!  This is so because the preceding year was deemed the year of democracy due to the global density of elections. This did not spare our region as we witnessed eight...

MISA Communiqué on the All Africa Judges and Jurists Summit

MISA Communiqué on the All Africa Judges and Jurists Summit

The All  Africa Judges and Jurists Summit convened in Nairobi, Kenya, from 17 - 18 September 2024, ended with a call to affirm judicial independence and address challenges to judicial independence and the rule of law in Africa.  The Summit expressed deep concern over...

Reflections on the Spaces of Solidarity (SoS) Conference Agenda

Reflections on the Spaces of Solidarity (SoS) Conference Agenda

Esteemed Colleagues As we open this Second Day’s Session of our Summit, which will straddle the end of the 3rd year of the Spaces of Solidarity as a Forum, I am privileged to say that as a people, we have every reason to be proud of our historic efforts towards...