Communication for Development-C4D

This is a new intervention area that MISA Zambia has outlined and is in response to the change in the operating environment. This programme is called Communication for Development (C4D). It seeks to enhance public participation in development and governance processes.  Participation of RHs in development and governance processes is vital because it improves RHs’  right-claiming ability to improved public services, hold duty bearers accountable, demand equitable access and distribution of national resources including accountability in natural resources management and exploitation.

Through this programme, MISA Zambia hopes to create a society that is able to participate in decision-making processes fully because it is equipped with communication knowledge and tools and therefore can claim its rights. It is envisaged that the programme will result in a society that is better able to claim its rights to an improved quality of life. This will be achieved through empowering target communities with ample knowledge on communication techniques and tools; in addition to advocacy and relevant cross-cutting issues. It is indisputable that empowered and well-informed societies are better able to identify and address their problems or have the appropriate DBs resolve them.

It is also key to note that a well-informed community that is fully aware about national and local development plans, budgets, policies and laws that affect it and can thus grow into a more responsive and responsible citizenry which for instance improve their tax compliance and watchdog role towards state projects such as roads, school or health centres to reduce poor quality workmanship from contractors. Zambia has been a victim of poor works from contractors which results into time and resource wastage. Through such processes, it is hoped that national and local plans, budgets, laws and policies will reflect aspirations of RHs and therefore will aid the country and local communities to attain development that leaves no one behind.

Other benefits of C4D is reduced inequality resulting in an inclusive society that upholds the rights of all sections of society especially for vulnerable groups in society like women, youths and persons living with disabilities. Target stakeholders under this programme include the state, RHs in vulnerable communities, the media and international, national and local CSOs. In addition, it hopes to strengthen DBs ability to be responsive to their constituencies (RHs) and act on their demands.

Lastly, the programme will build capacity of the media to facilitate communication for development through strengthening their governance, management and sustainability. This will be in addition to capacity building of media in communication for development.

Strategic objective

An empowered media and communities that use communication for development as a tool to demand their rights and participate in governance and development processes by the end of 2024.

Operational objectives
  1. To enhance media’s effectiveness in promoting good governance, democracy and sustainable development
  2. To strengthen the capacity of media to provide inclusive platforms and content which promotes inclusive development.
  3. To promote community participation in governance and development processes through the use of media and communication for development

Communication for Development (C4D) news

MISA conducts ‘Nature Answers’ podcast meetings with CLGs

MISA conducts ‘Nature Answers’ podcast meetings with CLGs

Our Team was in Chikankata and Choma districts in Southern province and Nalolo district in Western province to conduct podcast pre-production meetings and stories of public engagement for the Canadian audience with its working groups, the Community Listening Groups...

CLGs in Western province receive radio sets

CLGs in Western province receive radio sets

Last week MISA Zambia was in Mongu, Senanga, Limulunga and Nalolo in the continued distribution of radio sets to Community Listening Groups (CLGs). MISA Zambia in partnership with Farm Radio International and working with Oblate Radio Liseli the On Air for inclusive...

Radio sets distribution for CLGs

Radio sets distribution for CLGs

Our team was in Choma District in Southern Province in the continued distribution of radio sets to Community Listening Groups (CLGs). MISA Zambia in partnership with Farm Radio International and working with Byta FM Zambia on the 'On Air for inclusive and...

MISA participates in ATI public forum in Choma

MISA participates in ATI public forum in Choma

As one of the local partners on the USAID Open Spaces Zambia Project, MISA Zambia took part in a public forum facilitated by Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) on the importance of the Access to Information Law. The public forum was held at Makalanguzu market in...

Byta FM Producers in OAD programming orientation

Byta FM Producers in OAD programming orientation

MISA Zambia working with Farmradio International (FRI) is at Byta FM orientating the producers On Air Dialogues (OAD) programming, how to effectively integrate voices of women into programming and assisting the radio production teams, develop detailed plans for high...