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MISA Zambia: Notice of annual general meeting

9 Nov, 2020
Please note that MISA Zambia is only able to accommodate one representative from each institution member based outside Lusaka at the 2020 AGM. Individual members who wish to attend the AGM may do so, however MISA Zambia will only be able to provide Lunch for the members that will attend the AGM.

This serves to notify all paid up members of the MISA Zambia both institutional and individual that there will be a MISA Zambia Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 18th December 2020 starting at 08:00hrs at Golden Peacock Hotel in Lusaka.


07:30 hrs – 08:00 hrs                           Registration

08:00 hrs – 08:10 hrs                             National Anthem & Opening prayer

08:10 hrs – 08:20 hrs                             Adoption of the agenda

08:20 hrs – 08:30 hrs                             Apologies

08:40 hrs – 08:50 hrs                             Declaration of Interest

08:50 hrs – 09:00 hrs                             Consideration of proxies

09:00 hrs – 10:00 hrs                             Chairperson’s report/discussion of the report

10:00 hrs – 10:30 hrs                            Consideration and confirmation of the minutes of the 20th AGM held at Tecla Hotel in Lusaka

10:30 hrs – 11:00 hrs                           Tea Break

11:00 hrs – 11:30 hrs                             Audited financial statements for the year ended 2018 & 2019

11:30 hrs – 12:00 hrs                             Appointment of Auditors for the financial year 2020

12:00 hrs – 12:30 hrs                             Ratification of the MISA Zambia Board of trustees 2020 – 2024

12:30 hrs – 13:00 hrs                             Amendment to the constitution (If any)

13:00 hrs – 14:00 hrs                           Lunch

14:00 hrs – 15:00 hrs                             Ethics Workshop AOB

15:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs                             Elections of New office bearers

16:00 hrs – 16:30 hrs                             Tea Break/ End of AGM

 By Order of the Board

Dated at Lusaka (MISA house), the 16th October 2020

Austin Kayanda



Please note that MISA Zambia is only able to accommodate one representative from each institution member based outside Lusaka at the 2020 AGM. Individual members who wish to attend the AGM may do so, however MISA Zambia will only be able to provide Lunch for the members that will attend the AGM.

Heads of Media Institutions whose organisations are currently paid up members of MISA Zambia will receive AGM pack (copies of the MISA Zambia Constitution, Audited Accounts and minutes of the previous meeting). These should be distributed to all individual members of MISA Zambia belonging to these institutions. Paid up individual members are invited to collect or make inquiries for their copies of the above documents from the MISA Zambia Secretariat.


Members wishing to make amendments to the constitution should submit proposals to the MISA Zambia Secretariat 14 days before the AGM.

For further information, contact the MISA Zambia Secretariat at Plot No. 3814 Martin Mwamba Rd, P.O Box 32295, Lusaka, Tel: 294285/6, Fax, 292096.E-Mail akayanda2003@yahoo.com OR info@misazambia.org.uk

About MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) was founded in 1992. Its work focuses on promoting, and advocating for, the unhindered enjoyment of freedom of expression, access to information and a free, independent, diverse and pluralistic media.

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