Media law and reform
For this reason, Governments use laws to limit freedom of expression if it conflicts with other human rights, such as the protection of the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, public health and morals. Unfortunately, governments, private institutions and individuals around the world can abuse such limitations, using legislation and the judicial system unjustly to control expression and quash opposing views.
Media law reform news from our chapters
African Commission calls for guidelines to adapt African media policy to digital era
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has urged the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa to consult with African stakeholders to evaluate their perceptions of public service content in the modern digital...
MISA Zambia applauds Government’s initiative of 3-year tax holiday on broadcasting equipment
PRESS STATEMENT For Immediate Release LUSAKA - MISA Zambia commends the government for its forward-thinking approach in fostering the growth and development of the media industry through the recent announcement of a 3-year tax holiday on broadcasting equipment. This...
MISA Zambia launches two reports
MISA Zambia today hosted a dissemination event for the Legal and Regulatory Research and the report on Media Capture titled ‘Transparency and Trust: Newsroom Policies’. During the dissemination event, Ministry of Information and Media Permanent Secretary Kennedy...
Government embarks on media policy reforms
The UPND government says it has embarked on key policy and legal reforms aimed at widening the space for freedom of expression and freedom of the media. Speaking during the legal Hand Book launch this morning, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information and...
MISA Zambia launches legal hand book
MISA Zambia has launched a legal handbook that highlights various laws that relate to the freedom of expression, media freedom and digital rights in Zambia and how these laws impact these rights and freedoms. The handbook is divided into seven (07) modules including;...