Freedom of expression
In that regard, MISA Zambia promotes freedom of expression as a driving principle of democracy and good governance. The organisation advocates for the repeal of various oppressive laws, particularly the Zambian Penal Code, that undermine the freedom of expression.
The organisation uses various strategies such as legal tests and research on laws seen to limit freedom of expression, as well as producing public education materials, training and lobbying around the topic.
MISA Zambia advocates for freedom of expression as an umbrella of press freedom which is only recognised implicitly in Article 20 on freedom of expression in Zambia’s Constitution.
Freedom of expression news
African Commission calls for guidelines to adapt African media policy to digital era
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) has urged the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa to consult with African stakeholders to evaluate their perceptions of public service content in the modern digital...
The future of expression in the age of intersectionality
By Jeremias Langa The existential shockwaves of 2024 will undoubtedly shape developments in 2025! This is so because the preceding year was deemed the year of democracy due to the global density of elections. This did not spare our region as we witnessed eight...
Southern Africa should intensify fight against online gender-based violence
Southern African governments, civil society organisations and other key stakeholders should develop robust and coordinated strategies to fight the menace of online gender-based violence (OGBV). A survey conducted by MISA Regional in collaboration with UNESCO to...
Content Production and Practices in the Digital Age: Threats, Risks, and Opportunities
Virtual Presentation by MISA Regional Director Dr Tabani Moyo at the Media, Human Rights, Citizenship and Development Forum 02 December 2024, Maputo, Mozambique. Chairperson, esteemed members of the diplomatic community, MISA Mozambique Governing Council, the media...
MISA Communiqué on the All Africa Judges and Jurists Summit
The All Africa Judges and Jurists Summit convened in Nairobi, Kenya, from 17 - 18 September 2024, ended with a call to affirm judicial independence and address challenges to judicial independence and the rule of law in Africa. The Summit expressed deep concern over...